Music Ministries
Queen of the Apostles Music Ministry seeks to enhance liturgy and
worship through musical prayer. We have programs for singers of
all ages to participate in this uplifting experience of
praise and worship. The Music Coordinator is Andrew Paluszak
Adult Choir
Music during weekly liturgies is important, and we have an inspiring
adult choir here at Queen of the Apostles. This choir practices on
Wednesday evenings from 7:00–8:30 in the church and
leads the congregation in music for a Mass every Sunday.
The Adult Choir also plays an
important role in special liturgies such as Christmas, Holy Week, and the Easter Vigil. During the
season of Advent each year, the adult choir performs a Christmas Cantata. We are thrilled to be
holding our Cantata this year for the first time since 2019! If you are interested in being a part of
this special ministry, Click Here fill out this form, or contact Andrew Paluszak at You can also leave a message in the church office at (704)
Youth Choir
Singing during Mass is encouraged at all ages. Youth in grades 6–12 are invited to be part of
the Youth Choir that sings at special liturgies such as the Christmas Masses, Holy Week, and
Pentecost. The Youth Choir also leads the congregation in Sunday Mass on occasion and sings
at the annual Christmas Cantata. The youth who participate enjoy learning how to become
leaders of song during Mass as well as experiencing awesome fellowship in a positive and
collaborative environment. Practices are Wednesday evenings from 6:00–6:45 in the church. If
your child is interested in being a part of this special ministry, Click Here fill out this form, or contact Andrew Paluszak at You can also leave a message at the church office at (704) 825-9600.
Children’s Choir
Do your little ones love to sing along during Mass? Why not have them join the Children’s
Choir? For children from Kindergarten through 5th grade, this ministry helps them to learn how
to sing, be a participant in weekly liturgy, and foster friendships in a fun and enriching setting.
Children’s Choir sings at special liturgies such as the Christmas Masses and First Communion,
as well as the annual Christmas Cantata. The choir meets on Wednesday evenings during the
school year from 5:15–5:45 in KidZone. If your child is interested in being a part of this special
ministry, Click Here fill out this form, or contact Andrew Paluszak at You can also leave a message at the church office at (704) 825-9600.
The role of the cantor during a Sunday Liturgy is to encourage the community in singing, share
in proclaiming the word of God (particularly as psalmist), and animate the sung worship of the
congregation. Parishioners interested in being a cantor should have prior experience singing
church music, and the ability to read music is preferred. If you feel called to this ministry, contact
Andrew Paluszak at, or leave a message in the church
office at (704) 825-9600.
Spanish Choir
The Spanish Choir provides musical prayer for weekly Spanish language liturgies on Saturdays
at 7:00pm. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please contact the church office
at (704) 825-9600.