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Spiritual Life Ministries


Due to government and diocesan directives, all ministries are not meeting on campus due to the pandemic. 

More information will be provided soon when ministry practices will resume.


Altar Servers

This ministry is open to anyone who has been baptized and made First Eucharist, both children and adults. Training sessions are offered several times each year for anyone interested in participating in our liturgies in a truly hands-on way. Contact Chrissy Glisson through the church office for additional information.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

The Eucharist constitutes the very life of the Church, for the Lord said, “I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me shall ever be hungry; no one who believes in me shall ever thirst."  As we celebrate the Eucharist each week, parish members assist in the distribution of the Eucharist. These ministers are responding to the Baptismal call to serve as well as showing a commitment to God. Humbly they have accepted the privilege of serving the people of God.  If you are interested in being part of this ministry, please see Sandy Kumm.


Ministers of Hospitality

What ministry has the least number of people but is one of the most important ministries on Sunday?  Our Ministers of Hospitality are the smiling faces and handshakes that greet you as you enter the church, help you find a seat, pass the baskets for the collection, guide you at communion time, and hand out the bulletins as you leave.  It is so important to make both weekly and visiting members feel at home and welcome each week at Queen of the Apostles.  If you are interested in being part of this ministry, please see Neil Kauer.


“The Word of the Lord.” Each Sunday we hear the first and second readings at Mass proclaimed by a group of clear-voiced volunteers. Our readers do such a great job because they are well-trained, have a list of specific guidelines, and are given suggestions which allow them to use their voices to communicate the words of the Bible.  Each reader spends time immersing themselves in the readings as they pray, prepare and practice before proclaiming. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Lawton Blandford.


Arts and Environment

A wonderful group of parishioners dedicates time each week to making sure our worship space is not only clean, but also decorated according to the Liturgical season. Some weekly duties include watering plants, tidying up the books, and replenishing envelopes. Seasonal activities include changing the banners and linens to match the correct liturgical season such as white for Christmas. Once a year volunteers help polish the brass, clean the wood, and shine the glass.  A representative serves on the Liturgy and Worship Commission to assure cooperation and correctness.  If you are interested in being a part of this serving ministry, please contact Jan Kauer.


Healing Prayer

Small teams of parish members gather after each mass and pray for the particular needs of parish members who have a concern, an illness, or some other difficulty for which they seek prayer support.  Individuals receive some training and guidance before beginning this ministry.  



When a loved one dies, your parish is there for comfort. We have a team of volunteers who do just that. They are available to help at the Funeral Mass in any capacity.   Afterwards, the family has the option of having a reception in our Family Life Center in which the Bereavement team takes care of.   If you would like to be on the list to help with receptions or serve at the Masses for funerals please contact Karen Irvine. 


Hispanic Ministry

The eastern Gaston County community has a large number of Spanish-speaking families who are in need of a place of faith to call home.  The Spanish Mass is offered on Saturday evenings at 7:00 pm. The Hispanic ministry also includes social opportunities such as a monthly gathering, (to which all are welcome), Quinceañera for young girls, and it is busy planning other aspects of their ministry.  If you would like to be part of this ministry as it continues to grow, please contact Padre Jose’ Juya at


Homebound Ministry         

Queen of the Apostles has a number of people who take time each week to visit parishioners who are homebound- in their homes, hospitals, nursing homes or assisted living facilities throughout Gaston County. Each person receives communion if able, the church bulletin, a reflection book, and prayers. This ministry is an extension of our church to the whole parish community. Please contact Jeanne LaFrancis at 704-825-9600 to volunteer or become part of the visitation list.


Traffic Ministry

Traffic can be a hindrance to everyone as they leave church on Sundays and try to get onto Main Street.  A group of people work together to help the flow of traffic on Sundays at the 9:45 and 11:30 am Masses, and special events.  This allows everyone to safely leave our parish campus.  Members get to wear neon vests, have power in the wave of a hand, and are the face of the parish with a smile each week. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Walt Hinson at


Passion Play

Each Passion Sunday, a dedicated group of volunteers brings the Gospel story to life for the parish with its dramatic presentation of Jesus’ Passion and Death. Young and old alike are mesmerized by the story as parish members take on the roles and involve the crowd in following Jesus on His way to the cross.  New volunteers are always welcome. Cast members meet on Saturday mornings throughout Lent to rehearse and then present the Passion Play at all weekend masses. Consider adding your talents to the production! Contact Cam Tracy if you are interested.


On-line Prayer Ministry

Our on-line prayer ministry is an easy way to be involved in the parish.  When you receive an email you pray for the intentionin the email.  If you have a prayer request you email it to  Our volunteer coordinator, Doris Spivey, checks her email several times a day – seven days a week. She then forwards on the prayers via email to the prayer team. 

503 North Main Street, Belmont, NC 28012

(704) 825-9600

Office Hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30am-4:30pm.  Closed on Fridays


Copyright 2024 by Queen of the Apostles Roman Catholic Church

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